Accountancy And Financial Management -1 FYBCom Sem 1 Sheth Publication | NEP 2020
- Publisher : Sheth Publication
- Author: Chopde, Chaudhari
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
First Edition of of "Accountancy and Financial Management-I" Sheth Publication to the students of F.Y.B.Com.: Semester-1 of University of Mumbai The book is based on the Revised Syllabus and the New Paper Pattern applicable from the academic year 2024-25, as per NEP 2020The numerous illustrations are logically classified into different categories in ascending order of difficulty. These contain full solutions to questions asked in the latest Mumbal University Examinations, along with detailed working notes. This will definitely give the students a firm grip on the practical aspects of the subject.
Tags: Bcom, Bcom1, sheth, Accounting and Financial Management book, College Books for fybcom, College Books by Sheth Publication
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